2008 01 101-106
郑州大学化学系,郑州大学化学系,郑州大学化学系,郑州大学化学系,郑州大学化学系,郑州大学化学系 郑州450001,郑州450001,郑州450001,郑州450001,郑州450001,郑州450001
2,952 | 41 | 58 |
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[2]Huo Q S,Ciesla U,Margolese D,et al.Generalized synthesis of periodic surfactant/inorganic composite materials[J].Nature,1994,368(6469):317-321.
[3]Hammond W,Prouzet E,Pinnavaia T J,et al.Structure factor for the periodic walls of mesoporous MCM-41 molecularsieves[J].Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,1999,27(1):19-25.
[6]Tanev P T,Pinnavaia T J.A neutral templating route to mesoporous molecular sieves[J].Science,1995,267(5199):865-867.
[7]Bagshaw S A,Prouzet E,Pinnavaia T J.Templating of mesoporous molecular sieves by nonionic polyethylene oxide sur-factants[J].Science,1995,269(5228):1242-1244.
[8]Zhao D Y,Huo J L,Stucky G D,et al.Triblock copolymer syntheses of mesoporous silica with periodic 50 to 300 ang-strom pores[J].Science,1998,279(5350):548-552.
[9]Flodstroem K,Wennerstroem H,Alfredsson V.Mechanism of mesoporous silica formation:a time-resolved NMR andTEM study of silica-block copolymer aggregation[J].Langmuir,2004,20(3):680-688.
[10]Galo J D,Eduardo L C,Clément S,et al.Block copolymer-templated mesoporous oxides[J].Current Opinion inColloid and Interface Science,2003,8(1):109-126.
[12]Hoang V T,Huang Q L,Eic M,et al.Structure and diffusion characterization of SBA-15 materials[J].Langmuir,2005,21(5):2051-2057.
[14]Choi M,Heo W,Kleitz F,et al.Facile synthesis of high quality mesoporous SBA-15 with enhanced control of the por-ous network connectivity and wall thickness[J].Chemistry Communication,2003(12):1340-1341.
[18]Zhao D Y,Huo Q S,Stucky G D,et al.Nonionic triblock and star diblock copolymer and oligomeric surfactant synthe-ses of highly ordered hydrothermally stable mesoporous silica structures[J].Journal of American Chemistry Society,1998,120(24):6024-6036.
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