2019 04 v.51 1-10+29
3,917 | 90 | 641 |
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[1] GUPTA V,BUSTAMANTE M,FREDRIKSSON A,et al. Improving left ventricular segmentation in four-dimensional flow MRI using intramodality image registration for cardiac blood flow analysis[J]. Magnetic resonance in medicine,2018,79(1):554-560.
[5] VIGUIER R,LIN C C. Automatic video content summarization using geospatial mosaics of aerial imagery[C]∥IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia. Miami,2015:249-253.
[6] SAUR G,KRUEGER W. Change detection in UAV video mosaics combining a feature based approach and extended image differencing[J]. The international archives of the photogrammetry,remote sensing and spatial information sciences,2016,41(B7):557-562.
[7] TOYAMA F,SHOJI K. Image mosaicing from a set of images without configuration information[C]∥The 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Cambridge,2004:899-902.
[8] REDDY B S. An FFT-based technique for translation,rotation,and scale-invariant image registration[J]. IEEE transaction on image processing,1996,5(8):1266-1271.
[10] RENUKA DEVI S M. Image mosaicing using phase correlation and feature based approach:a review[J]. International journal of engineering research,2016,4(1):270-275.
[11] HARRIS C. A combined corner and edge detector[C]∥The Fourth Alvey Vision Conference. Manchester,1988:147-151.
[12] LOWE D G. Object recognition from local scale-invariant features[C]∥The Seventh IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. Kerkyra,1999:1150-1157.
[13] LOWE D G. Distinctive image features from scale-invariant key-points[J]. International journal of computer vision,2004,60(2):91-110.
[14] ASCHENBRENNER K P,GUTHIER C V. Feasibility of using single photon counting X-ray for lung tumor position estimation based on 4D-CT[J]. Zeitschrift für medizinische physik,2017,27(3):243-254.
[16] MOSTAFAVI H,SLOUTSKY A,JEUNG A. Detection and localization of radiotherapy targets by template matching[C]∥The34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. San Diego,2012:6023-6027.
[17] ZHAO T S. Small target detection and recognition based on template matching[C]∥The 4th International Conference on Machinery,Materials and Information Technology Applications. Xi'an,2016:964-968.
[18] COOLEY J W,TUKEY J W. An algorithm for the machine calculation of complex fourier series[J]. Mathematics of computation,1965,19(90):297-301.
[19] CASTRO E D,MORANDI C. Registration of translated and rotated images using finite fourier transforms[J]. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence,1987,9(5):700-703.
[21] XU J,HONG Y X,XIN S X,et al. Medical image mosaic technology based on image phase correlation[C]∥The 4th International Conference on Digital Home. Guangzhou,2012:274-277.
[22] WANG W,CHEN H J,LI J P,et al. A registration method of fundus images based on edge detection and phase-correlation[C]∥The 1st International Conference on Innovative Computing,Information and Control. Beijing,2006:572-576.
[23] FISCHLER M A,BOLLES R C. Random sample consensus:a paradigm for model fitting with applications to image analysis and automated cartography[J]. Graphics and image processing,1981,24(6):381-395.
[24] ROSTEN E,DRUMMOND T. Machine learning for high-speed corner detection[J]. European conference on computer vision,2006,3951(1):430-443.
[25] ROSTEN E,PORTER R,DRUMMOND T. Faster and better:a machine learning approach to corner detection[J]. Computer science,2008,32(1):105-119.
[26] CHEN X,LIU L,SONG J X,et al. Corner detection and matching for infrared image based on double ring mask and adaptive SUSAN algorithm[J]. Optical and quantum electronics,2018,50(4):193-202.
[27] SMITH S M,BRADY J M. SUSAN—a new approach to low level image processing[J]. International journal of computer vision,1997,23(2):45-78.
[28] WANG Z C,LI R,SHAO Z H,et al. Adaptive Harris corner detection algorithm based on iterative threshold[J]. Modern physics letters B,2017,31(15):1750181.
[29] WU T,ZHANG Z L,ZHAO J Y,et al. An adaptive FAST corner detector based on high contrast grid image[C]∥The 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics Engineering and Information Technology. Dalian,2017:591-597.
[30] LI H L,GUO L H,CHEN T,et al. The corner detector of the teeth image based on the improved SUSAN algorithm[C]∥The3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics. Yantai,2010:609-612.
[33] MANORANJITHAM R,DEEPA P. Efficient invariant interest point detector using Bilateral-Harris corner detector for object recognition application[J]. Multimedia tools and applications,2018,77(8):9365-9378.
[35] LI H,MITRA S K. A contour-based approach to multi-sensor image registration[J]. IEEE transactions on image processing,1995,4(3):320-334.
[37] HU M K. Visual pattern recognition by moment invariants[J]. Information theory,1962,8(2):179-187.
[38] BAY H,ESS A,TUYTELAARS T,et al. Speeded-up robust features(SURF)[J]. Computer vision and image understanding,2008,110(3):346-359.
[42] DOGRA A,GOYAL B,AGRAWAL S. Osseous and digital subtraction angiography image fusion via various enhancement schemes and Laplacian pyramid transformations[J]. Future generation computer systems,2018,82(1):149-157.
[43] LI H,MANJUNATH B S,MITRA S K. Multi-sensor image fusion using the wavelet transform[J]. Graphical models and image processing,1995,57(3):235-245.
[45] ZHANG N,HOU J,WANG R W. Harris-SIFT algorithm optimization and its applications on nonwovens[C]∥Advances in Materials,Machinery,Electronics. Wuhan,2017:123-135.
[46] AGRAWAL V,BHEDA D. Optimized image mosaicing with moment invariants and SIFT features[J]. Oriental journal of computer science and technology,2017,10(1):66-75.
[49] CHEN S F,QIN J,XIE Y M,et al. CUDA-based acceleration and algorithm refinement for volume image[C]∥International Conference on Future Bio-medical Information Engineering. Sanya,2009:544-547.
[50] OKUMURA K,RAUT S,GU Q Y,et al. Real-time feature-based video mosaicing at 500 fps[C]∥IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Tokyo,2013:2665-2670.
[51] SUN Y Y,MOELKER A,NIESSEN W J,et al. Towards robust CT-ultrasound registration using deep learning methods[C]∥Understanding and Interpreting Machine Learning in Medical Image Computing Applications. Granada,2018:43-51.
[52] VOS B D,BERENDSEN F F,VIERGEVER M A,et al. End-to-end unsupervised deformable image registration with a convolutional neural network[C]∥Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis and Multimodal Learning for Clinical Decision Support.Quebec,2017:204-212.
[53] GIERING M,VENUGOPALAN V,REDDY K. Multi-modal sensor registration for vehicle perception via deep neural networks[C]∥IEEE High-performance Extreme Computing Conference. Waltham,2015:1-6.
[5] VIGUIER R,LIN C C. Automatic video content summarization using geospatial mosaics of aerial imagery[C]∥IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia. Miami,2015:249-253.
[6] SAUR G,KRUEGER W. Change detection in UAV video mosaics combining a feature based approach and extended image differencing[J]. The international archives of the photogrammetry,remote sensing and spatial information sciences,2016,41(B7):557-562.
[7] TOYAMA F,SHOJI K. Image mosaicing from a set of images without configuration information[C]∥The 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Cambridge,2004:899-902.
[8] REDDY B S. An FFT-based technique for translation,rotation,and scale-invariant image registration[J]. IEEE transaction on image processing,1996,5(8):1266-1271.
[10] RENUKA DEVI S M. Image mosaicing using phase correlation and feature based approach:a review[J]. International journal of engineering research,2016,4(1):270-275.
[11] HARRIS C. A combined corner and edge detector[C]∥The Fourth Alvey Vision Conference. Manchester,1988:147-151.
[12] LOWE D G. Object recognition from local scale-invariant features[C]∥The Seventh IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. Kerkyra,1999:1150-1157.
[13] LOWE D G. Distinctive image features from scale-invariant key-points[J]. International journal of computer vision,2004,60(2):91-110.
[14] ASCHENBRENNER K P,GUTHIER C V. Feasibility of using single photon counting X-ray for lung tumor position estimation based on 4D-CT[J]. Zeitschrift für medizinische physik,2017,27(3):243-254.
[16] MOSTAFAVI H,SLOUTSKY A,JEUNG A. Detection and localization of radiotherapy targets by template matching[C]∥The34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. San Diego,2012:6023-6027.
[17] ZHAO T S. Small target detection and recognition based on template matching[C]∥The 4th International Conference on Machinery,Materials and Information Technology Applications. Xi'an,2016:964-968.
[18] COOLEY J W,TUKEY J W. An algorithm for the machine calculation of complex fourier series[J]. Mathematics of computation,1965,19(90):297-301.
[19] CASTRO E D,MORANDI C. Registration of translated and rotated images using finite fourier transforms[J]. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence,1987,9(5):700-703.
[21] XU J,HONG Y X,XIN S X,et al. Medical image mosaic technology based on image phase correlation[C]∥The 4th International Conference on Digital Home. Guangzhou,2012:274-277.
[22] WANG W,CHEN H J,LI J P,et al. A registration method of fundus images based on edge detection and phase-correlation[C]∥The 1st International Conference on Innovative Computing,Information and Control. Beijing,2006:572-576.
[23] FISCHLER M A,BOLLES R C. Random sample consensus:a paradigm for model fitting with applications to image analysis and automated cartography[J]. Graphics and image processing,1981,24(6):381-395.
[24] ROSTEN E,DRUMMOND T. Machine learning for high-speed corner detection[J]. European conference on computer vision,2006,3951(1):430-443.
[25] ROSTEN E,PORTER R,DRUMMOND T. Faster and better:a machine learning approach to corner detection[J]. Computer science,2008,32(1):105-119.
[26] CHEN X,LIU L,SONG J X,et al. Corner detection and matching for infrared image based on double ring mask and adaptive SUSAN algorithm[J]. Optical and quantum electronics,2018,50(4):193-202.
[27] SMITH S M,BRADY J M. SUSAN—a new approach to low level image processing[J]. International journal of computer vision,1997,23(2):45-78.
[28] WANG Z C,LI R,SHAO Z H,et al. Adaptive Harris corner detection algorithm based on iterative threshold[J]. Modern physics letters B,2017,31(15):1750181.
[29] WU T,ZHANG Z L,ZHAO J Y,et al. An adaptive FAST corner detector based on high contrast grid image[C]∥The 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics Engineering and Information Technology. Dalian,2017:591-597.
[30] LI H L,GUO L H,CHEN T,et al. The corner detector of the teeth image based on the improved SUSAN algorithm[C]∥The3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics. Yantai,2010:609-612.
[33] MANORANJITHAM R,DEEPA P. Efficient invariant interest point detector using Bilateral-Harris corner detector for object recognition application[J]. Multimedia tools and applications,2018,77(8):9365-9378.
[35] LI H,MITRA S K. A contour-based approach to multi-sensor image registration[J]. IEEE transactions on image processing,1995,4(3):320-334.
[37] HU M K. Visual pattern recognition by moment invariants[J]. Information theory,1962,8(2):179-187.
[38] BAY H,ESS A,TUYTELAARS T,et al. Speeded-up robust features(SURF)[J]. Computer vision and image understanding,2008,110(3):346-359.
[42] DOGRA A,GOYAL B,AGRAWAL S. Osseous and digital subtraction angiography image fusion via various enhancement schemes and Laplacian pyramid transformations[J]. Future generation computer systems,2018,82(1):149-157.
[43] LI H,MANJUNATH B S,MITRA S K. Multi-sensor image fusion using the wavelet transform[J]. Graphical models and image processing,1995,57(3):235-245.
[45] ZHANG N,HOU J,WANG R W. Harris-SIFT algorithm optimization and its applications on nonwovens[C]∥Advances in Materials,Machinery,Electronics. Wuhan,2017:123-135.
[46] AGRAWAL V,BHEDA D. Optimized image mosaicing with moment invariants and SIFT features[J]. Oriental journal of computer science and technology,2017,10(1):66-75.
[49] CHEN S F,QIN J,XIE Y M,et al. CUDA-based acceleration and algorithm refinement for volume image[C]∥International Conference on Future Bio-medical Information Engineering. Sanya,2009:544-547.
[50] OKUMURA K,RAUT S,GU Q Y,et al. Real-time feature-based video mosaicing at 500 fps[C]∥IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Tokyo,2013:2665-2670.
[51] SUN Y Y,MOELKER A,NIESSEN W J,et al. Towards robust CT-ultrasound registration using deep learning methods[C]∥Understanding and Interpreting Machine Learning in Medical Image Computing Applications. Granada,2018:43-51.
[52] VOS B D,BERENDSEN F F,VIERGEVER M A,et al. End-to-end unsupervised deformable image registration with a convolutional neural network[C]∥Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis and Multimodal Learning for Clinical Decision Support.Quebec,2017:204-212.
[53] GIERING M,VENUGOPALAN V,REDDY K. Multi-modal sensor registration for vehicle perception via deep neural networks[C]∥IEEE High-performance Extreme Computing Conference. Waltham,2015:1-6.