2024 06 v.56 1-8
827 | 0 | 197 |
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[1] AMES A D,COOGAN S,EGERSTEDT M,et al.Control barrier functions:theory and applications[C]//Proceedings of the 18th European Control Conference.Piscataway:IEEE Press,2019:3420-3431.
[2] 陈杰,吕梓亮,黄鑫源,等.非线性系统的安全分析与控制:障碍函数方法[J].自动化学报,2023,49(3):567-579.CHEN J,LYU Z L,HUANG X Y,et al.Safety analysis and safety-critical control of nonlinear systems:barrier function approach[J].Acta automatica sinica,2023,49(3):567-579.
[3] XU X R,TABUADA P,GRIZZLE J W,et al.Robustness of control barrier functions for safety critical control[J].IFAC-PapersOnLine,2015,48(27):54-61.
[4] VERGINIS C K.Funnel control for uncertain nonlinear systems via zeroing control barrier functions[J].IEEE control systems letters,2023,7:853-858.
[5] LI C,ZHANG Z J,NESRIN A,et al.Instantaneous local control barrier function:an online learning approach for collision avoidance[EB/OL].(2022-01-26)[2022-12-26].https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2106.05341.
[6] SCHILLIGER J,LEW T,RICHARDS S M,et al.Control barrier functions for cyber-physical systems and applications to NMPC[J].IEEE robotics and automation letters,2021,6(4):8623-8630.
[7] WANG H J,PENG J Z,ZHANG F F,et al.High-order control barrier functions-based impedance control of a robotic manipulator with time-varying output constraints[J].ISA transactions,2022,129:361-369.
[8] SHAW C W,OETOMO D,MANZIE C,et al.Control barrier functions for mechanical systems:theory and application to robotic grasping[J].IEEE transactions on control systems technology,2021,29(2):530-545.
[9] XIAO W,BELTA C,CASSANDRAS C G.Adaptive control barrier functions[J].IEEE transactions on automatic control,2022,67(5):2267-2281.
[10] 朱哲人,张新民,柴毅,等.非正障碍函数:面向非线性系统状态安全控制的一类新颖障碍函数[J].中国科学:信息科学,2022,52(10):1853-1869.ZHU Z R,ZHANG X M,CHAI Y,et al.Non-positive barrier function:a new notion of barrier function for state-safety control of nonlinear dynamical systems[J].Scientia sinica:informationis,2022,52(10):1853-1869.
[11] WANG N,FU Z M,SONG S Z,et al.Barrier-Lyapunov-based adaptive fuzzy finite-time tracking of pure-feedback nonlinear systems with constraints[J].IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems,2022,30(4):1139-1148.
[12] NGUYEN Q,SREENATH K.Exponential Control Barrier Functions for enforcing high relative-degree safety-critical constraints[C]//Proceedings of the American Control Conference.Piscataway:IEEE Press,2016:322-328.
[13] TAN X,CORTEZ W S,DIMAROGONAS D V.High-order barrier functions:robustness,safety,and performance-critical control[J].IEEE transactions on automatic control,2022,67(6):3021-3028.
[14] GHANBARPOUR M,ISALY A,SANFELICE R G,et al.Optimal safety for constrained differential inclusions using nonsmooth control barrier functions[J].IEEE control systems letters,2023,7:1303-1308.
[15] AHMADI M,SINGLETARY A,BURDICK J W,et al.Safe policy synthesis in multi-agent POMDPs via discrete-time barrier functions[C]//Proceedings of the 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.Piscataway:IEEE Press,2020:4797-4803.
[16] XU X R.Constrained control of input-output linearizable systems using control sharing barrier functions[J].Automatica,2018,87:195-201.
[17] WANG H J,PENG J Z,XU J J,et al.High-order control barrier functions-based optimization control for time-varying nonlinear systems with full-state constraints:a dynamic sub-safe set approach[J].International journal of robust and nonlinear control,2023,33(8):4490-4503.
[18] JANKOVIC M.Robust control barrier functions for constrained stabilization of nonlinear systems[J].Automatica,2018,96:359-367.
[19] KOLATHAYA S,AMES A D.Input-to-state safety with control barrier functions[J].IEEE control systems letters,2019,3(1):108-113.
[20] ZHAO P,MAO Y B,TAO C Y,et al.Adaptive robust quadratic programs using control Lyapunov and barrier functions[C]//Proceedings of the 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.Piscataway:IEEE Press,2021:3353-3358.
[21] ALAN A,MOLNAR T G,DA? E,et al.Disturbance observers for robust safety-critical control with control barrier functions[J].IEEE control systems letters,2023,7:1123-1128.
[22] DA? E,MURRAY R M.Robust safe control synthesis with disturbance observer-based control barrier functions[C]//Proceedings of the 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.Piscataway:IEEE Press,2023:5566-5573.
[23] TAYLOR A J,AMES A D.Adaptive safety with control barrier functions[C]//Proceedings of the American Control Conference.Piscataway:IEEE Press,2020:1399-1405.
[24] LOPEZ B T,SLOTINE J J E,HOW J P.Robust adaptive control barrier functions:an adaptive and data-driven approach to safety[J].IEEE control systems letters,2021,5(3):1031-1036.
[25] MARVI Z,KIUMARSI B.Barrier-certified learning-enabled safe control design for systems operating in uncertain environments[J].IEEE/CAA journal of automatica sinica,2021,9(3):437-449.
[26] DHIMAN V,KHOJASTEH M J,FRANCESCHETTI M,et al.Control barriers in Bayesian learning of system dynamics[J].IEEE transactions on automatic control,2023,68(1):214-229.
[27] WANG Y J,XU X R.Observer-based control barrier functions for safety critical systems[C]//Proceedings of the American Control Conference.Piscataway:IEEE Press,2022:709-714.
[28] CLARK A.Control barrier functions for stochastic systems[J].Automatica,2021,130:109688.
[29] AMES A D,XU X R,GRIZZLE J W,et al.Control barrier function based quadratic programs for safety critical systems[J].IEEE transactions on automatic control,2017,62(8):3861-3876.
[30] TAN X,DIMAROGONAS D V.On the undesired equilibria induced by control barrier function based quadratic programs[EB/OL].(2021-04-30)[2022-11-21].https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2104.14895.
[31] SPYRAKOS-PAPASTAVRIDIS E,DAI J S.Minimally model-based trajectory tracking and variable impedance control of flexible-joint robots[J].IEEE transactions on industrial electronics,2021,68(7):6031-6041.
[32] XU X R,WATERS T,PICKEM D,et al.Realizing simultaneous lane keeping and adaptive speed regulation on accessible mobile robot testbeds[C]//IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications.Piscataway:IEEE Press,2017:1769-1775.
[33] NGUYEN Q,SREENATH K.Safety-critical control for dynamical bipedal walking with precise footstep placement[J].IFAC-PapersOnLine,2015,48(27):147-154.
[34] EGERSTEDT M,PAULI J N,NOTOMISTA G,et al.Robot ecology:constraint-based control design for long duration autonomy[J].Annual reviews in control,2018,46:1-7.
[35] FERRAGUTI F,BERTULETTI M,LANDI C T,et al.A control barrier function approach for maximizing performance while fulfilling to ISO/TS 15066 regulations[J].IEEE robotics and automation letters,2020,5(4):5921-5928.
[36] SINGLETARY A,KOLATHAYA S,AMES A D.Safety-critical kinematic control of robotic systems[J].IEEE control systems letters,2022,6:139-144.
[37] 张方方,张文丽,王婷婷.基于速度补偿算法的多机器人编队控制研究[J].郑州大学学报(工学版),2022,43(2):1-6,14.ZHANG F F,ZHANG W L,WANG T T.Research on multi-robot formation control based on speed compensation algorithm[J].Journal of Zhengzhou university (engineering science),2022,43(2):1-6,14.
[38] WANG L,AMES A D,EGERSTEDT M.Safety barrier certificates for collisions-free multirobot systems[J].IEEE transactions on robotics,2017,33(3):661-674.
[39] CHENG R,KHOJASTEH M J,AMES A D,et al.Safe multi-agent interaction through robust control barrier functions with learned uncertainties[C]//Proceedings of the 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.Piscataway:IEEE Press,2021:777-783.
[40] LINDEMANN L,DIMAROGONAS D V.Decentralized control barrier functions for coupled multi-agent systems under signal temporal logic tasks[C]//Proceedings of the 18th European Control Conference.Piscataway:IEEE Press,2019:89-94.
[41] LINDEMANN L,DIMAROGONAS D V.Control barrier functions for multi-agent systems under conflicting local signal temporal logic tasks[J].IEEE control systems letters,2019,3(3):757-762.
[42] LI A Q,WANG L,PIERPAOLI P,et al.Formally correct composition of coordinated behaviors using control barrier certificates[C]//IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems.Piscataway:IEEE Press,2019:3723-3729.
[43] IBUKI T,WILSON S,YAMAUCHI J,et al.Optimization-based distributed flocking control for multiple rigid bodies[J].IEEE robotics and automation letters,2020,5(2):1891-1898.
[2] 陈杰,吕梓亮,黄鑫源,等.非线性系统的安全分析与控制:障碍函数方法[J].自动化学报,2023,49(3):567-579.CHEN J,LYU Z L,HUANG X Y,et al.Safety analysis and safety-critical control of nonlinear systems:barrier function approach[J].Acta automatica sinica,2023,49(3):567-579.
[3] XU X R,TABUADA P,GRIZZLE J W,et al.Robustness of control barrier functions for safety critical control[J].IFAC-PapersOnLine,2015,48(27):54-61.
[4] VERGINIS C K.Funnel control for uncertain nonlinear systems via zeroing control barrier functions[J].IEEE control systems letters,2023,7:853-858.
[5] LI C,ZHANG Z J,NESRIN A,et al.Instantaneous local control barrier function:an online learning approach for collision avoidance[EB/OL].(2022-01-26)[2022-12-26].https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2106.05341.
[6] SCHILLIGER J,LEW T,RICHARDS S M,et al.Control barrier functions for cyber-physical systems and applications to NMPC[J].IEEE robotics and automation letters,2021,6(4):8623-8630.
[7] WANG H J,PENG J Z,ZHANG F F,et al.High-order control barrier functions-based impedance control of a robotic manipulator with time-varying output constraints[J].ISA transactions,2022,129:361-369.
[8] SHAW C W,OETOMO D,MANZIE C,et al.Control barrier functions for mechanical systems:theory and application to robotic grasping[J].IEEE transactions on control systems technology,2021,29(2):530-545.
[9] XIAO W,BELTA C,CASSANDRAS C G.Adaptive control barrier functions[J].IEEE transactions on automatic control,2022,67(5):2267-2281.
[10] 朱哲人,张新民,柴毅,等.非正障碍函数:面向非线性系统状态安全控制的一类新颖障碍函数[J].中国科学:信息科学,2022,52(10):1853-1869.ZHU Z R,ZHANG X M,CHAI Y,et al.Non-positive barrier function:a new notion of barrier function for state-safety control of nonlinear dynamical systems[J].Scientia sinica:informationis,2022,52(10):1853-1869.
[11] WANG N,FU Z M,SONG S Z,et al.Barrier-Lyapunov-based adaptive fuzzy finite-time tracking of pure-feedback nonlinear systems with constraints[J].IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems,2022,30(4):1139-1148.
[12] NGUYEN Q,SREENATH K.Exponential Control Barrier Functions for enforcing high relative-degree safety-critical constraints[C]//Proceedings of the American Control Conference.Piscataway:IEEE Press,2016:322-328.
[13] TAN X,CORTEZ W S,DIMAROGONAS D V.High-order barrier functions:robustness,safety,and performance-critical control[J].IEEE transactions on automatic control,2022,67(6):3021-3028.
[14] GHANBARPOUR M,ISALY A,SANFELICE R G,et al.Optimal safety for constrained differential inclusions using nonsmooth control barrier functions[J].IEEE control systems letters,2023,7:1303-1308.
[15] AHMADI M,SINGLETARY A,BURDICK J W,et al.Safe policy synthesis in multi-agent POMDPs via discrete-time barrier functions[C]//Proceedings of the 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.Piscataway:IEEE Press,2020:4797-4803.
[16] XU X R.Constrained control of input-output linearizable systems using control sharing barrier functions[J].Automatica,2018,87:195-201.
[17] WANG H J,PENG J Z,XU J J,et al.High-order control barrier functions-based optimization control for time-varying nonlinear systems with full-state constraints:a dynamic sub-safe set approach[J].International journal of robust and nonlinear control,2023,33(8):4490-4503.
[18] JANKOVIC M.Robust control barrier functions for constrained stabilization of nonlinear systems[J].Automatica,2018,96:359-367.
[19] KOLATHAYA S,AMES A D.Input-to-state safety with control barrier functions[J].IEEE control systems letters,2019,3(1):108-113.
[20] ZHAO P,MAO Y B,TAO C Y,et al.Adaptive robust quadratic programs using control Lyapunov and barrier functions[C]//Proceedings of the 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.Piscataway:IEEE Press,2021:3353-3358.
[21] ALAN A,MOLNAR T G,DA? E,et al.Disturbance observers for robust safety-critical control with control barrier functions[J].IEEE control systems letters,2023,7:1123-1128.
[22] DA? E,MURRAY R M.Robust safe control synthesis with disturbance observer-based control barrier functions[C]//Proceedings of the 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.Piscataway:IEEE Press,2023:5566-5573.
[23] TAYLOR A J,AMES A D.Adaptive safety with control barrier functions[C]//Proceedings of the American Control Conference.Piscataway:IEEE Press,2020:1399-1405.
[24] LOPEZ B T,SLOTINE J J E,HOW J P.Robust adaptive control barrier functions:an adaptive and data-driven approach to safety[J].IEEE control systems letters,2021,5(3):1031-1036.
[25] MARVI Z,KIUMARSI B.Barrier-certified learning-enabled safe control design for systems operating in uncertain environments[J].IEEE/CAA journal of automatica sinica,2021,9(3):437-449.
[26] DHIMAN V,KHOJASTEH M J,FRANCESCHETTI M,et al.Control barriers in Bayesian learning of system dynamics[J].IEEE transactions on automatic control,2023,68(1):214-229.
[27] WANG Y J,XU X R.Observer-based control barrier functions for safety critical systems[C]//Proceedings of the American Control Conference.Piscataway:IEEE Press,2022:709-714.
[28] CLARK A.Control barrier functions for stochastic systems[J].Automatica,2021,130:109688.
[29] AMES A D,XU X R,GRIZZLE J W,et al.Control barrier function based quadratic programs for safety critical systems[J].IEEE transactions on automatic control,2017,62(8):3861-3876.
[30] TAN X,DIMAROGONAS D V.On the undesired equilibria induced by control barrier function based quadratic programs[EB/OL].(2021-04-30)[2022-11-21].https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2104.14895.
[31] SPYRAKOS-PAPASTAVRIDIS E,DAI J S.Minimally model-based trajectory tracking and variable impedance control of flexible-joint robots[J].IEEE transactions on industrial electronics,2021,68(7):6031-6041.
[32] XU X R,WATERS T,PICKEM D,et al.Realizing simultaneous lane keeping and adaptive speed regulation on accessible mobile robot testbeds[C]//IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications.Piscataway:IEEE Press,2017:1769-1775.
[33] NGUYEN Q,SREENATH K.Safety-critical control for dynamical bipedal walking with precise footstep placement[J].IFAC-PapersOnLine,2015,48(27):147-154.
[34] EGERSTEDT M,PAULI J N,NOTOMISTA G,et al.Robot ecology:constraint-based control design for long duration autonomy[J].Annual reviews in control,2018,46:1-7.
[35] FERRAGUTI F,BERTULETTI M,LANDI C T,et al.A control barrier function approach for maximizing performance while fulfilling to ISO/TS 15066 regulations[J].IEEE robotics and automation letters,2020,5(4):5921-5928.
[36] SINGLETARY A,KOLATHAYA S,AMES A D.Safety-critical kinematic control of robotic systems[J].IEEE control systems letters,2022,6:139-144.
[37] 张方方,张文丽,王婷婷.基于速度补偿算法的多机器人编队控制研究[J].郑州大学学报(工学版),2022,43(2):1-6,14.ZHANG F F,ZHANG W L,WANG T T.Research on multi-robot formation control based on speed compensation algorithm[J].Journal of Zhengzhou university (engineering science),2022,43(2):1-6,14.
[38] WANG L,AMES A D,EGERSTEDT M.Safety barrier certificates for collisions-free multirobot systems[J].IEEE transactions on robotics,2017,33(3):661-674.
[39] CHENG R,KHOJASTEH M J,AMES A D,et al.Safe multi-agent interaction through robust control barrier functions with learned uncertainties[C]//Proceedings of the 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.Piscataway:IEEE Press,2021:777-783.
[40] LINDEMANN L,DIMAROGONAS D V.Decentralized control barrier functions for coupled multi-agent systems under signal temporal logic tasks[C]//Proceedings of the 18th European Control Conference.Piscataway:IEEE Press,2019:89-94.
[41] LINDEMANN L,DIMAROGONAS D V.Control barrier functions for multi-agent systems under conflicting local signal temporal logic tasks[J].IEEE control systems letters,2019,3(3):757-762.
[42] LI A Q,WANG L,PIERPAOLI P,et al.Formally correct composition of coordinated behaviors using control barrier certificates[C]//IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems.Piscataway:IEEE Press,2019:3723-3729.
[43] IBUKI T,WILSON S,YAMAUCHI J,et al.Optimization-based distributed flocking control for multiple rigid bodies[J].IEEE robotics and automation letters,2020,5(2):1891-1898.
国家自然科学基金项目(62273311,61773351);; 河南省重点研发与推广专项(222102220117)