2024 06 v.56 25-31
蛇优化(snake optimizer, SO)算法存在前期收敛速度慢和易陷入局部最优的问题,为此提出一种融合反向学习机制与差分进化策略的改进蛇优化(improved snake optimizer, ISO)算法。反向学习机制可提高种群质量,以提升算法寻优速度;差分进化策略有助于算法精准寻优,降低算法陷入局部最优的几率。在10个基准测试函数上的实验结果表明,ISO算法拥有更高的寻优精度和更快的收敛速率。将其应用于支持向量机(support vector machine, SVM)的参数选取中,进一步验证了ISO算法的有效性。
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[1] HASHIM F A,HUSSIEN A G.Snake optimizer:a novel meta-heuristic optimization algorithm[J].Knowledge-based systems,2022,242:108320.
[2] CHEN R,ZHANG Q W,PENG R T,et al.Hybrid identification method of material parameters based on genetic algorithm and improved homotopy algorithm[J].Materials today communications,2022,33:104380.
[3] OZCALICI M,BUMIN M T.Optimizing filter rule parameters with genetic algorithm and stock selection with artificial neural networks for an improved trading:the case of Borsa Istanbul[J].Expert systems with applications,2022,208:118120.
[4] SONG Y J,ZHAO G Y,ZHANG B,et al.An enhanced distributed differential evolution algorithm for portfolio optimization problems[J].Engineering applications of artificial intelligence,2023,121:106004.
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[6] 吴宇翔,王晓峰,于卓,等.一种求解Max-SAT问题的快速模拟退火算法[J].郑州大学学报(理学版),2023,55(4):46-53.WU Y X,WANG X F,YU Z,et al.A fast simulated annealing algorithm for solving max-SAT problem[J].Journal of Zhengzhou university (natural science edition),2023,55(4):46-53.
[7] 刘拥民,王靖枫,黄浩,等.模拟人工蜂群的高维数据特征选择算法研究[J].郑州大学学报(理学版),2023,55(3):57-64.LIU Y M,WANG J F,HUANG H,et al.Research on high-dimensional data feature selection algorithm simulating artificial bee colony[J].Journal of Zhengzhou university (natural science edition),2023,55(3):57-64.
[8] 封硕,刘琨.融合差分进化思想的自适应人工蜂群算法[J].郑州大学学报(理学版),2021,53(3):72-78.FENG S,LIU K.Adaptive artificial bee colony algorithm based on differential evolution[J].Journal of Zhengzhou university (natural science edition),2021,53(3):72-78.
[9] ABBASZADEH M,SOLTANI-MOHAMMADI S,AHMED A N.Optimization of support vector machine parameters in modeling of Iju deposit mineralization and alteration zones using particle swarm optimization algorithm and grid search method[J].Computers & geosciences,2022,165:105140.
[10] CAI B,ZHU X P,QIN Y X.Parameters optimization of hybrid strategy recommendation based on particle swarm algorithm[J].Expert systems with applications,2021,168:114388.
[11] WANG E L,XIA J Y,LI J,et al.Parameters exploration of SOFC for dynamic simulation using adaptive chaotic grey wolf optimization algorithm[J].Energy,2022,261:125146.
[12] LI S,XU K,XUE G Z,et al.Prediction of coal spontaneous combustion temperature based on improved grey wolf optimizer algorithm and support vector regression[J].Fuel,2022,324:124670.
[13] 李天翼,陈红梅.一种用于解决特征选择问题的新型混合演化算法[J].郑州大学学报(理学版),2021,53(2):41-49.LI T Y,CHEN H M.A new hybrid evolutionary algorithm for solving feature selection problem[J].Journal of Zhengzhou university (natural science edition),2021,53(2):41-49.
[14] CHAKRABORTY S,KUMAR SAHA A,SHARMA S,et al.A novel enhanced whale optimization algorithm for global optimization[J].Computers & industrial engineering,2021,153:107086.
[15] ELAZIZ M A,MIRJALILI S.A hyper-heuristic for improving the initial population of whale optimization algorithm[J].Knowledge-based systems,2019,172:42-63.
[16] DEHGHANI M,HUBALOVSKY S,TROJOVSKY P.Northern goshawk optimization:a new swarm-based algorithm for solving optimization problems[J].IEEE access,2021,9:162059-162080.
[17] HU G,YANG R,ABBAS M,et al.BEESO:multi-strategy boosted snake-inspired optimizer for engineering applications[J].Journal of bionic engineering,2023,20(4):1791-1827.
[18] ABU KHURMA R,ALBASHISH D,BRAIK M,et al.An augmented Snake Optimizer for diseases and COVID-19 diagnosis[J].Biomedical signal processing and control,2023,84:104718.
[19] TIZHOOSH H R.Opposition-based learning:a new scheme for machine intelligence[C]//International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling,Control and Automation and International Conference on Intelligent Agents,Web Technologies and Internet Commerce.Piscataway:IEEE Press,2006:695-701.
[2] CHEN R,ZHANG Q W,PENG R T,et al.Hybrid identification method of material parameters based on genetic algorithm and improved homotopy algorithm[J].Materials today communications,2022,33:104380.
[3] OZCALICI M,BUMIN M T.Optimizing filter rule parameters with genetic algorithm and stock selection with artificial neural networks for an improved trading:the case of Borsa Istanbul[J].Expert systems with applications,2022,208:118120.
[4] SONG Y J,ZHAO G Y,ZHANG B,et al.An enhanced distributed differential evolution algorithm for portfolio optimization problems[J].Engineering applications of artificial intelligence,2023,121:106004.
[5] OPARA K R,ARABAS J.Differential Evolution:a survey of theoretical analyses[J].Swarm and evolutionary computation,2019,44:546-558.
[6] 吴宇翔,王晓峰,于卓,等.一种求解Max-SAT问题的快速模拟退火算法[J].郑州大学学报(理学版),2023,55(4):46-53.WU Y X,WANG X F,YU Z,et al.A fast simulated annealing algorithm for solving max-SAT problem[J].Journal of Zhengzhou university (natural science edition),2023,55(4):46-53.
[7] 刘拥民,王靖枫,黄浩,等.模拟人工蜂群的高维数据特征选择算法研究[J].郑州大学学报(理学版),2023,55(3):57-64.LIU Y M,WANG J F,HUANG H,et al.Research on high-dimensional data feature selection algorithm simulating artificial bee colony[J].Journal of Zhengzhou university (natural science edition),2023,55(3):57-64.
[8] 封硕,刘琨.融合差分进化思想的自适应人工蜂群算法[J].郑州大学学报(理学版),2021,53(3):72-78.FENG S,LIU K.Adaptive artificial bee colony algorithm based on differential evolution[J].Journal of Zhengzhou university (natural science edition),2021,53(3):72-78.
[9] ABBASZADEH M,SOLTANI-MOHAMMADI S,AHMED A N.Optimization of support vector machine parameters in modeling of Iju deposit mineralization and alteration zones using particle swarm optimization algorithm and grid search method[J].Computers & geosciences,2022,165:105140.
[10] CAI B,ZHU X P,QIN Y X.Parameters optimization of hybrid strategy recommendation based on particle swarm algorithm[J].Expert systems with applications,2021,168:114388.
[11] WANG E L,XIA J Y,LI J,et al.Parameters exploration of SOFC for dynamic simulation using adaptive chaotic grey wolf optimization algorithm[J].Energy,2022,261:125146.
[12] LI S,XU K,XUE G Z,et al.Prediction of coal spontaneous combustion temperature based on improved grey wolf optimizer algorithm and support vector regression[J].Fuel,2022,324:124670.
[13] 李天翼,陈红梅.一种用于解决特征选择问题的新型混合演化算法[J].郑州大学学报(理学版),2021,53(2):41-49.LI T Y,CHEN H M.A new hybrid evolutionary algorithm for solving feature selection problem[J].Journal of Zhengzhou university (natural science edition),2021,53(2):41-49.
[14] CHAKRABORTY S,KUMAR SAHA A,SHARMA S,et al.A novel enhanced whale optimization algorithm for global optimization[J].Computers & industrial engineering,2021,153:107086.
[15] ELAZIZ M A,MIRJALILI S.A hyper-heuristic for improving the initial population of whale optimization algorithm[J].Knowledge-based systems,2019,172:42-63.
[16] DEHGHANI M,HUBALOVSKY S,TROJOVSKY P.Northern goshawk optimization:a new swarm-based algorithm for solving optimization problems[J].IEEE access,2021,9:162059-162080.
[17] HU G,YANG R,ABBAS M,et al.BEESO:multi-strategy boosted snake-inspired optimizer for engineering applications[J].Journal of bionic engineering,2023,20(4):1791-1827.
[18] ABU KHURMA R,ALBASHISH D,BRAIK M,et al.An augmented Snake Optimizer for diseases and COVID-19 diagnosis[J].Biomedical signal processing and control,2023,84:104718.
[19] TIZHOOSH H R.Opposition-based learning:a new scheme for machine intelligence[C]//International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling,Control and Automation and International Conference on Intelligent Agents,Web Technologies and Internet Commerce.Piscataway:IEEE Press,2006:695-701.
国家自然科学基金项目(61966002);; 江西省学位与研究生教育教学改革研究项目(JXYJG-2022-172)